Syntax and Tree Diagram : Intransitive Verb

A intransitive verb is a verb that requires an Adverb with an order S-P-A.

Degree may appears in Intransitive verb, and this Intransitive verb can be the answer of Where, when and how.

Symbol for this verb is Intrans (Intransitive verb), with another symbol may appear in the tree diagram;

·       N (Nouns)

·       Det (Determiners)

·       Deg (Degree)

·       A (Adverb)


Here is the example for transitive verb with tree diagram:

Ken snores very loudly


The baby cried in the night


 My sister slept soundly

 Intransitive verb ini akan menghasilkan VP yang bisa terdiri dari V + AP  atau V + PP

Next Post is about Ditransitive verb :)