Syntax and Tree Diagram



What is Syntax?

Syntax, in linguistic is the study of how words and morphemes ( the smallest meaningful lexical item in a language) combine to form larger unit such as phrases and sentence.

Kalau dibahasa Indonesia kan, syntax adalah ilmu yang membedah bagaimana sebuah kata dapat digabungkan menjadi gabungan kata yang nantinya akan jadi kalimat.

 How about the tree diagram in syntax?

The tree diagram is a newer method for diagramming sentences and to recognize the syntactic structure in phrases and structure.


But first you need to know how to categories the word or the symbols in diagram tree:

·       N (Nouns)

Pl    Plural/ Singular

       Proper/ Common

        Abstract/ Concrete

·       NP (Noun Phrase)

·       PRO (Pronoun)   




·       Det (Determiners)


        Determiner Pronoun

        Possessive Pronoun

        Demonstrative Pronoun

·       V (Verbs)

        Form : Infinitive, Progressive, Past, Past Participle

        Category : Transitive Intransitive

·       VP (Verb Phrase)

·       Adv (Adverb)




·       AdvP (Adverb Phrase)

·       A (Adjective)



·       AP (Adjective Phrase)

·       P (Preposition)



·       PP (Preposition Phrase)

·       S (Sentence/ clause)


·       AUX (Auxiliary)

·       dO (Direct Object)

·       iO (Indirect Object)

·       oC (Object Complement)

·       sC (Subject Complement)

·       pO (Prepositional Object)

·       MOD (Modal)

·       Vgp (Verb Group)

·       PASS (Passive)

·       PERF (Perfect)

·       POSS (Possessive)

·       pres (Present Tense)

·       PROG (Progressive)

·       S (Subject)

·       P (Predikator)



In the verb phrases there are 6 verbs:

1.     Transitive verb

2.     Intransitive verb

3.     Ditransitive verb

4.     Intensive verb

5.     Complex-transitive verb

6.     Prepositional verb


See you to the post about Transitive verb 😊